iWATERMAP beneficiaries visit IMIDA
Participants of iWATERMAP project visited IMIDA facilities on 4th November. This project, financed by Interreg Europe funds, focuses on supporting the innovation policies in water technology sector, helping to increase the critical mass of innovation ecosystems in partner regions in this sector.
The consortium is constituted by 9 partners (Wetsus, European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology; Province of Fryslân; Riga Technical University; Region of Crete; North-East Regional Development Agency; Food and Agriculture Cluster Foundation of the Murcia Region; University of Minho; CREA Hydro & Energy, z.s.; Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia) from 7 regions (Czech Republic, Greece, Netherlands, Latvija, Portugal, Romania, and Spain).
The visit also included an event where LIFE-AQUEMFREE and LIFE-AGREMSO3IL results were shared with the attendants.
![LIFE AgremSO3il iWATERMAP IMIDA](https://agremso3il.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMIDA_3_3-300x169.png)
LIFE AgremSO3il – iWATERMAP visits IMIDA