Conference “Innovations to reduce and remediate farm soil pollution. A contribution to the EU Soil Strategy”
The representatives and partners of the projects below are pleased to invite you to the Conference on Innovations to reduce and remediate farm soil pollution, to be held next November, 21st, both in person and online.
The event is targeted to relevant persons and institutions in Europe in the fields of environment, soil, agriculture, chemicals, food safety and research and innovation. We aim to provide them with novel relevant information from our project results, and to encourage an open debate about their possible applications on European policies. Specifically:
- A new method to remediate soils with pesticide residues successfully put in practice combining solarisation and ozonation, reaching a degradation rate of 63% of soil pesticide content. However, the use of ozone in agriculture is not allowed at present and there is a legal gap regarding its application for other soil remediation purposes. https://agremso3il.eu
- A new strategy for crop diversification providing a lower use of inputs including fertilisers and pesticides, as well as increments in biodiversity and soil health, including soil carbon sequestration and storage; thus, improving the delivery of ecosystem services while increasing overall land productivity and the access to new markets and reduced economy risks. http://www.diverfarming.eu/
- An increase of healthy soils in Europe by the appropriate application of green manure and organic matter, as well as by biosolarisation and ASD, together with the plan of sound crop rotations, with the aim of controlling soilborne pathogens and nematodes. www.best4soil.eu
We would like to count on your presence and participation in this event, as we consider your contribution of great value for this important step in the fields of soil and human health. We would appreciate your confirmation of interest and availability for the proposed date, as well as your preference to participate in-person or online.
Organised by LIFE AgRemSO3il
Projects funded by: