Novagric traditionally participates with a stand at this fair and within the framework of the dissemination plan of the LIFE Agremsoil project we take the opportunity to present the prototype and its advantages.

Green Tech 2022 Fair, held in Amsterdam, Holland from 14 to 16 June. It is a world reference as an international fair of agriculture, where the novelties that the companies are developing are presented.

There are thematic pavilions, e.g. IoT agriculture, Robotics, Medical Cannabis and Vertical Farming.

During the event we had the opportunity to meet at least 500 exhibitors, all leaders in the horticultural technology industry.
In addition, more than 100 knowledge sessions were held, on a variety of agricultural topics.

Green TEch is a great reference as an agricultural fair.


LIFE-AGREMSO3IL in SPEA11 Conference

The LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project attended the 11th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA) organized by the Università degli Study di Torino and held in Turin from June 6 to 10, 2022. IMIDA partner presented the communication “Remediation of soil polluted with neonicotinoid insecticide residues by combined solarization and ozonation treatment”, where the Project results obtained for experiments conducted with pots under greenhouse conditions were exposed to the conference audience.


LIFE-AGREMSO3IL in META 2022 Congress

AGREMSO3IL representatives attended the XIV Congreso de la Mesa Española de Tratamiento de Aguas (META 2022) organized by the IG-CSIC, the Chemical Engineering Department from University of Cordoba and the Physics, Chemistry and Natural Systems Department from Pablo Olavide University.

IMIDA partner presented the communication “Tratamiento de ozonización del agua para el control de Meloidogyne sp. en cultivos protegidos de tomate en el sureste español”.

Fulgencio Contreras – IMIDA

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL project were held on May 5 and 10, 2022. Three conferences have been attended by 137 people in total, including students from the Integrated Training and Agricultural Experience Centers of Torre Pacheco and Lorca, as well as the technicians and farmers from the Águilas area.

The Águilas City Council has considerately collaborated in the organization of the conferences, attended also by Mr. Bartolomé Hernández Calvo from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Districts, Green Areas, and Market; and kindly assisted us providing the room where the talks have been conducted.


The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

Different project partners have transmitted their results obtained so far to the attendees. At the end of the event, a visit to the farm has been carried out. The visitors were able to see the AGREMSOIL prototype for remediation of agricultural soil based on solarization and ozonation techniques.

The attendees have shown a great interest asking numerous questions and participating actively in debates, which took place after the talks.


The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

The Open Days of the LIFE AGREMSOIL 2022

LIFE-AGREMSO3IL in ICN 2022 Congress

The LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project participated in the Seventh edition of the International Congress of Nematology organized by the European Society of Nematologists and held in Antibes between 1st and 6th May 2022.

Dr. Caridad Ros presented the oral communication “Ozone treatments for the management of Meloidogyne sp. in greenhouse tomato cultivation in Southeastern Spain” to the event’s audience during the speed presentation poster organized in the Integrated nematode management session of the conference.


Dr. Caridad Ros – IMIDA

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils – Decision supporting tools towards SDG’s policy implementation

The event was held in University of Napoli Federico II during April 27-28. It was organized by the LANDSUPPORT Project, funded under the call H2020-RUR-2017-2 “Rural Renaissance- Fostering Innovation and Business Opportunities, under Grant Agreement 774234

LANDSUPPORT is developing an innovative DSS platform to support farmers’ associations, spatial planners, environmental agencies and policy makers in their work.

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils

The workshop was an opportunity to share experiences and discuss results towards a very ambitious goal: Development of decision support tools for key agriculture and environmental policies implementation including SDGs, CAP, New Green Deal, as well as other insights and initiatives within the projects.

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils

Representatives of LIFE-AGREMSO3IL project have attended the workshop Save Our Soils

AGREMSOIL's soil treatment system will be put in practice in one of the FRUCA farms in July

AGREMSOIL’s soil treatment system will be put in practice in one of the FRUCA farms in July

On April 1st, 2022, Novedades Agricolas y IMIDA visited the AgremSoil project´s replication and prototype activities farm, provided by the agricultural company FRUCA. Following the meeting held on March 15th, after having visited one farm located in the municipality of Blanca (Murcia) to determine the most appropriate characteristics of the plot, it was decided to select this one, located in Fuente Álamo (Murcia).

The farm is dedicated to the horticultural crop rotations in the open air: various types of lettuce, melon, brassicas such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Both, Novedades Agrícolas (NOVAGRIC) and IMIDA, hereby express their gratitude to FRUCA for the given opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of the AGREMSOIL system in an open-air plot of approximately 3,000 m2. The installation of the equipment is scheduled for the second half of June in order to carry out the treatment in July.


AGREMSOIL's soil treatment system will be put in practice in one of the FRUCA farms in July

AGREMSOIL's soil treatment system will be put in practice in one of the FRUCA farms in July

Soil Health Initiative – protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils

Soil Health Initiative – protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils

The European Commission, through DG Environment (Unit D1 Land Use & Management) is working in a new initiative on Soil Health in order to contribute to the overall goals of the European Green Deal, to existing EU medium- and long-term policy objectives for 2030 and 2050, and particularly to the vision that all soil ecosystems should be in healthy condition by 2050.

The project LIFE AgRemSO3il has contributed with a comment to the call for evidence launched in this regard. This is a participatory process targeted to public and stakeholders on the Commission’s future legislative work so they can provide feedback on the Commission’s understanding of the problem and possible solutions and give any relevant information.


Soil Health Initiative – protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils

Soil Health Initiative – protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils


The comment summarises some project results and states that the use of ozone in agriculture is not allowed at present, and there is a legal gap regarding its application for remediation purposes. The results of the project can provide new views for an open debate and also help to underpin any decision-making process regarding farm soils’ remediation.

Link to the info on the initiative:

LIFE AgremSO3il project attended the Soil Mission Support Workshop

LIFE AgremSO3il project attended the Soil Mission Support Workshop

Agremsoil has attended the Soil Mission Support Workshop on the EU Soil Mission objective “Reduce the EU’s global footprint on soils”, on March 15, 2022, contributing to ideas and opinions on different aspects on reducing the EU’s global footprint on soils.

Objective of the workshop has been focused on getting inputs from the land and soil use actors and experts within Europe on issues related to land degradation relating to desertification, conservation and increase soil organic carbon stocks, reduction of soil pollution and enhance restoration, prevention of erosion, improvement of soil structure, reduction of the EU global footprint on soils and increment of soil literacy in society across Europe.


LIFE AgremSO3il project attended the Soil Mission Support Workshop

LIFE AgremSO3il project attended the Soil Mission Support Workshop


The results will be used in the research and innovation roadmap supporting the implementation of the Soil Mission, aimed at improving the coordination of research and innovation on soil and land management, in support of the Horizon Europe Mission in the area of Soil Health and Food, the European Green Deal, and to improve the contribution of soil and land-related services to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Further information on Soil Mission Support can be obtained here.

AGREMSOIL project attendance at Ozone webinar

On February 17th, NOVAGRIC and IMIDA took part in the webinar ‘Ozone and its use in agriculture’ organized by the Technology Transfer Service of the Murcia Regional Directorate on Agriculture managing the Measure 1 (Knowledge Transfer) of the Rural Development Program.


AGREMSOIL project at Ozone webinar

AGREMSOIL project at Ozone webinar


Francisco González Zapater, Head of the Regional Service of Plant Health described the current legal status of the uses of ozone in agriculture, not allowed at present. Isabel Garrido (IMIDA) presented an overview of the project and the activities and results up to date. Juan Pardo and Lucas Galera (NOVAGRIC) explained the prototype developments and commented commercial possibilities.

144 people attended the webinar and the event was posted in the Youtube channel of the Technology Transfer Service, with 633 subscribers. During the two following weeks the video had more than 250 views showing the interest of this topic for farmers and technicians.


AGREMSOIL project at Ozone webinar

AGREMSOIL project at Ozone webinar