• A1 - Optimization of the remediation method

    Action A1 was aimed to define the optimal ozonation method through determining the optimum values for O3 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations in irrigation water as well as the irrigation frequency with O3 to obtain the maximum efficiency in the degradation of the most usual pesticides in the real field conditions. Different irrigation waters were also evaluated. This knowledge was needed for an efficient design and performance of the prototype.

  • A2 - Engineering and Design of the Prototype

    The aim of Action A2 was to design a prototype to realize an advanced oxidation system for the remediation of soils loaded with chemical residues and disinfection. The needed data have been compiled simultaneously to Action A1 through checking the performance and operation of the small-scale ozone generator and -based on its results- the Agremsoil prototype was designed to tackle the specifications and needs by the engineering team of NASA factory in Murcia Region.

  • B1 - Manufacturing and Optimization of the Prototype

    The objective of this Action was the construction and implementation (installation and running) of the Agremso3il prototype in the experimental farm (IMIDA facilities). The prototype was proved and gradually tuned up in combination with Actions B2 (Ozonation effect on soil quality) and B3 (Agronomical effects of soil ozonation strategies), in order to be installed for demonstration purposes in two commercial farms for Action B4 (On-farm demonstration).

  • B2 - Ozonation Effect on Soil Quality

    The main aim of this Action was to put in practice the soil remediation method in real farm conditions. Its technical viability was assessed by the application of the method optimized in A1 at experimental farm scale and monitored by sampling and analysis in Action C.1. Action B.2 determined two effects of ozonation on the soil: Pesticide remediation effects under leaching controlled conditions and Microbiological effects.

  • B3 - Agronomical Effects of Soil Ozonation Strategies

    For a complete knowledge of the consequences of the ozonation technique in real farm conditions, its agronomical effects should not have been overlooked in order to avoid possible negative effects and take advantage of positive effects. In fact, literature refers to the influence of soil ozonation on the population of soil biota such as nematodes and microorganisms. On the other hand, a possible action on the performance of agricultural crops must have been evaluated as well. Thus, the main aim of Action B3 was to get a complete knowledge about the influence of soil ozonation on the development and performance of agricultural crops.

  • B4 - On-farm demonstration and methodology to set up the LIFE AgRemSO3il technology in other locations

    Despite the proposal LIFE AgRemSO3il responds to be a pilot project, this action is aimed to put into practice and evaluate the Agremsoil Prototype in commercial farms, as well as contributing to the replication and transfer of the project results and lessons learnt to external stakeholders (action C3). This demonstration action is particularly important, as the prototype is now implemented on a technical scale in two commercial farms (demo-farms), allowing evaluation of technical and economic viability of large-scale introduction, and contributing to public awareness and dissemination activities of Action D1.

  • B5 - Design and Implementation of the Replicability and Transferability Plan

    The aim of this action is to facilitate the replication and transferability of the technology to the stakeholders (mainly farmers). The plan will be used as a guide for the consortium to exploit the results of the project and to facilitate the implementation of the technology in other regions of Europe. The action C3 will be closely connected to action B4, C1 and C2, where results and lessons learnt from these actions will be considered as an important input for this action.

  • C1 - Monitoring of the AgRemSO3il effects

    This Action is targeted to monitoring the implementation Actions B.2, B.3 and B.4

  • C2 - Economic and Environmental Assesment (LCA)

    The technical feasibility tested and demonstrated in Actions B is going to be complemented by an assessment of economic and environmental feasibility, comparing the current systems in use and the alternatives in farms representative of the varied European agricultural production system. An assessment of the socio-economic impact of the project actions on the local economy and population, associated to a LCA, as a study consolidating the data and results over the project lifetime, will be delivered with the Final Report.

  • C3 - Project Performance Indicators

    The LIFE program uses a set of indicators to assess the impact of the actions of the project. It is used as the main reference for the implementation of the project. Moreover, at the beginning of the project, a revision of the identified indicators was done, and the periods to measure the indicators to analyze their evolution during the project life. The indicators are linking the project actions in the short term with the strategy presented by the project in the long term.

  • D1 - Public Awareness and Dissemination of Project Results

    The objective of this activity is to communicate to the stakeholders, as well as the general public, the importance and advantage of using green practices to decontaminate agricultural soils. In addition, this action aims at disseminating the project’s technical results to stakeholders and key beneficiaries, in order to improve the benefit from the project.

  • E1 - Project Management by IMIDA

    In this structure, IMIDA assumes the role of Project Coordinator and Project Manager being in charge of the final approval of all documentation and project deliverables, acting as an intermediary in all communications between the agency/commission and the beneficiaries, and monitoring that the project is implemented in accordance to the Grant Agreement.

  • E2 - Financial and Administrative Management

    The Project Coordinator together with the Administrative Manager manage and give support to partners in the administrative and financial aspects involved in participating in an H2020 project. The Project Coordinator manage the funding of each partner and prepare the financial reports to be submitted to the EC. The Project Coordinator also supervise the consortium’s finances, transfer of funds and other legal matters, in accordance with the Commission regulations and the EC Grant Agreement.

  • E3 - After-Life Plan

    The main objective of this action is to develop a plan for the exploitation and long-term sustainability of the project results after the end of the project. This plan should address both the future dissemination of projects results as well as the preferred exploitation strategies, external market, policy and regulatory conditions, identified stakeholders and any technological, manufacturing or IP risks and barrier identified throughout the project.