LIFE AgRemSO3il at LIFE-EMPORE workshop

Members of the LIFE-AgRemSO3il project were present at the workshop “TRATAMIENTO Y ELIMINACIÓN DE CONTAMINANTES EMERGENTES EN EFLUENTES DE ESTACIONES DEPURADORAS URBANAS”, held on 12th February at Complejo Deportivo – Cultural La Petxina (Valencia). The event was organised by the project LIFE-EMPORE (LIFE15 ENV/ES/000598) to present their results and compare their achievements with other LIFE projects (Clean-Up and Aquemfree).

IMIDA was invited to take part with the presentation: LIFE AQUEMFREE. Descontaminación in situ de aguas residuales de procedencia agrícola mediante fotocatálisis solar. As a part of the communication, IMIDA included the presentation of the project LIFE- AgRemSO3il, the objectives and first steps of its implementation, once it is in the line of treating emerging pollutants though in this case, from the soil.