LIFE AgRemSO3il Kick-off meeting with the Contracting Authority

On November 6th and 7th, 2018 two of the AgRemSO3il partners attended the kick-off meeting for ENV and GIE LIFE17 projects with the Contracting Authority representatives in Brussels, Belgium. The two partners mentioned previously, IMIDA and IDC, were represented by Isabel Garrido and Rodrigo Arandi-Klee respectively, who are responsible of the technical, administrative and financial management.


The purpose of this kick-off meeting was to provide with relevant policy topics, the LIFE programme rules, the role of the external monitoring team -NEEMO- in the projects’ implementation, and communication and dissemination matters.


IMIDA and IDC made a short presentation regarding the background, objectives, impacts, policy implication and technology transfer approach of AgRemSO3il.